To slit or trim any metal-mild steel, galvanized strips, stainless steel, silicon, tin plate, brass, copper or aluminium – you can rely on WUDTOOLS Slitter and Trimmer Knives to do a better job at lowest possible cost. Our range includes Alloy Steel, HSS and Carbide Knives.
Rotary Shear Knives (Slitting Cutters) for Metal Slitting & Trimming

AISI – D2 / HSS / Carbide Tipped
Made from a special analysis high carbon high chrome tool steel. Custom made to fit specific requirements to assure maximum cutting life. Exclusive WUDTOOLS heat treating methods, using automatic electrically controlled furnaces, impart uniform hardness throughout the blade. In production shearing, this uniformity of metallurgical structure provides keen cutting services life well beyond that of ordinary blades. But most important reasons for a good shear blade are tobe found in the way they are made.